Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Top Ten Email Campaign Softwares for Online Business

Email marketing is considered as inbound marketing if done in the right way, which means targeting at the right email users with effective call-to-actions and optimized landing page and converting the targeted email users to lead and to customers to buy your products or services.

Benefits of Email Marketing
  • Increase sales
  • Generate repeat business
  • Gain customer insight / feedback
  • Up-sell current customers
  • Win back latent customers
  • Save valuable money
  • Build customer loyalty
  • Drive web traffic or storefront traffic
  • Generate detailed leads and prospects
  • Improve tracking and feedback
  • Easily change and tweak marketing campaigns
  • Realize instant campaign results
The following top ten email marketing providers are recommended for being easy to use, effective to convert, and ready to support. The ranking order is based on the email marketers' Alexa global traffic ranks. Alexa Global #134, US #63, Inbounding Links #62,444. AWeber email marketing software and autoresponders allow you to keep in contact with potential customers and build profitable life long clients. Alexa Global #284, US #78, Inbounding Links #167,129. Do-it-yourself email marketing solution for small businesses and associations. Create, send, and instantly track professional html email newsletters and promotions. Free 60-Day Trial. Alexa Global #401, US #263, Inbounding Links #23,013. Mail Chimp provides free option so you can try and send out 10,000 newsletters monthly for free, which is excellent for online small business to test the water. Alexa Global #649, US #441, Inbounding Links #12,354. Turn-key email marketing and surveys. Create, send and track beautiful newsletters, campaigns and follow-ups. "Forever Free" version for up to 100 subscribers! Alexa Global #863, US #304, Inbounding Links #15,366.

VerticalResponse: Alexa Global #3,094, US #1,138, Inbounding Links #12,591. Vertical Response integrates with salesforce and provides automatic tracking of your opens, bounces, clicks, unsubscribes, etc. Email marketing and social media are now under one roof. Alexa Global #4,730, US #2,816, Inbounding Links #5,352. Benchmark Offers web-based email marketing tools to send, track and manage newsletters, surveys and online polls. Alexa Global #5,973, US #5,917, Inbounding Links #7,187. Email marketing software for designers and their clients. Alexa Global #9,901, US #2,878, Inbounding Links #1,489. On-demand permission-based email marketing service provider. j2 Global Communications, Inc.® (NASDAQ: JCOM) has acquired Campaigner. Alexa Global #27,387, US #315, Inbounding Links #1,563. GraphicMail provides web-based application for designing, managing and sending graphical newsletters.


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