Sunday, July 15, 2007

Google Product

I found that Google Product only include a fraction of my active items I loaded using Bulk Upload Method.

This might be caused by including the 'location' attribute. I removed my location attribute from my bulk upload file and updated the list and most of my items went online again.
Since Google Products think it is local and not available for online orders if you include the 'locations' attribute.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Google Answers retired

Here is what I got from

Google Answers is no longer accepting questions.

We're sorry, but Google Answers has been retired, and is no longer accepting new questions.
Search or browse the existing Google Answers index by using the search box above or the category links below.

SEO back links

One way to improve the Page rank for the site is to increase the back links. Today, I found a good way to do the back links is through Yahoo Answers. I haven't check with Google Answers yet. I assume you can do the same there.

First, I searched open questions in topics related to headlights. Then, you can provide some value answers with your site as a resource.